The library allows you to keep track of all your media files using a single window, just like iTunes. You may easily create playlists and filters (smart playlists) using drag & drop. You may then add items using the Add (+) button located at the bottom of the list. You may also drag & drop the files from the Finder onto the list.
NB: Check the "Media Management" help topic to learn the best way to store/move your media files safely.
By default, double clicking an item (or pressing return while it is selected) will load it and play it immediately. You may disable the "Auto Play" option in the QMidi preferences.
The search field in the toolbar allows you to quickly filter the current selection.
You can import iTunes playlists or selections by dragging them to the sidebar of the library window.
QMidi still supports playlists documents used in previous versions.
When you open more than one file at a time (scan mode), a play list is automatically created and filled. Another way to create a playlist is by choosing the "New List" item in the "File" menu. You may easily import a playlist document into the library by dragging it to the sidebar of the library window.